
Help parents abusing friend, but there in another state!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i gotta p**i friend and there telling me storries about how her father abuses her and how her mom doesn't work and just kinda is a gold digger off of the abusive father and i try telling her to contact the police or a lawyer or something and just get out of her house or do something please please help!




  1. Unfortunately being a free loader and a jerk isn't a crime, but REAL abuse is.  My advice is for YOU to contact their local police department, remain annonymous if you wish, and explain what is going on.  Don't focus on the personal issues, i.e. unemployed, gold digger, as law enforcement agents, we don't want to hear it. The abuse is what you want to focus on.  Keep in mind your friend may be exaggerating, or lying as well. however, I always err on the side of caution, and would rather have an agent investigate it and it be not true, then to not report it and have a body in the morgue.

    Good Luck

    ADDED: That chat transcript you placed above is not even close to showing abuse.  What is happening is normal in 90% of all families.  Parents are protecting their kids (maybe a little over protected) - and kids want to do something that parents don't think is in their best interest.  If that transcript is what you're basing this on, don't bother the police.

  2. Then you report it to their local police department if you are absolutely sure the abuse is actually taking place.  But make damned sure its happening or you could wind up with some grief.  Good luck to you.

  3. Here's what your friend is thinking (Whether she knows it or not)

    If she leaves, no one will provide for her.  That SCARES her.

    it is a natural law that a person cannot beat another, there are laws... tell your friend to STOP BEING SCARED and DO WHAT SHE MUST in order to SAVE HER OWN LIFE!

    An abusive parent will not stop until the target is killed.  Unless legal action is taken.  And sometimes that doesn't  stop them.

    Let your friend know... remind her!!! That she has friends and family there that will take care of her.  TELL HER THAT AS MANY TIMES AS IT TAKES UNTIL SHE LEAVES!!!  Otherwise, she will be killed.

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