
Help!! perfect smile =}

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how long does the process of getting braces take??

also should i get teeth whitening b4 i get braces?





  1. Braces- 1 year - 4 years. Depending on what you need done.

    Whitening- wait until AFTER as discoloration can occur with braces.

    Whitening can damage the enamel on  your teeth. As long as you're brushing and flossing, you shouldn't need whitening.

  2. i think it varies on the profile of the teeth

  3. Well,that all depends on your teeth.

    Not everyone gets their braces on/off at the same time.

    It all depends on how bad your teeth were before you got

    braces and on how they adjust. It also depends on how well

    you take care of your teeth when you get your braces on.

    I think i remember it taking about 2 hours for them to put

    my top and bottom braces on.I'm not sure.But before they

    do anything to your teeth,they have to take pictures and makemoldings of your teeth.It could take a while because you have tokeep making appointments and the appointments are not like

    every other day or something, they are every few weeks.

    When they have an opening for you and when you have time.

    After you get your braces on though, you're appointments will

    be every six weeks or so-I'm not sure if that's how it goes as

    soon as you get your braces on,or a little time into it-but I have

    had my braces for a year or so and I go for an appointment every

    six weeks.Anyway,it might not hurt when you first get your braces

    on,but they probably will after a while,maybe the next day.They

    hurt because your teeth are moving inside you mouth-they are being pulled and forced to move and adjust. But don't worry, your teeth

    won't fall out or anything,lol.I had to eat soup and soft foods for a couple weeks because your teeth hurt too much at first when you

    try to bite into something hard or even moderately hard.

    You can get wax at the Orthodontist's office if you ask.Wax is

    what prevents your braces from scratching up the inside of your

    mouth such as your gums.Your braces will do that regardless

    though because they aren't use to having those big metal brackets

    sticking out.You'll get use to it though and so will your mouth.I still

    get these random cuts and sores from my braces sometimes.

    My advice as for what you eat and drink-NO SODA.Soda deteriorates

    your teeth. [or decays them,ruins them] I use to break this rule all

    the time and I ended up getting a l;little hole in the top of my front

    tooth.Well it wasn't that little b/c you could notice it when I smile

    unless you are far away.I had to go to the dentist so they could fill

    it in.Trust me,you don't want that to happen to you.You can drink

    pop every once in a while if you brush right afterwards I guess,

    but it's better if you don't.You will even start to loose weight too.

    Also,NO SWEETS.I know this is hard,trust me.[Well actually the

    no soda rule was the hardest for me,and still is] candy also ruins

    your teeth.The orthodontists are not kidding when they tell you

    these things.Don't eats anything chewy like GUM because it can get

    stuck in your braces and it's hard as all he!! to get it out. [the no

    gum rule has been broken by almost everyone,lol.It gets stuck sometimes but usually,if you are careful,you can chew gum without

    getting it caught in your braces].

    Oh and do not eat anything

    hard like jolly ranchers starburst because those can break your brackets.Brackets are the little silver things they put on the

    front of your teeth.I constantly break this rule and I pay for it.If

    one of your brackets falls off,the orthodontist will have to put it back

    on which is like going through the process of getting your braces on,

    all over again,but with only that tooth,not your whole mouth.It still sucks though.I can't stand it.Be sure to brush your teeth and get

    all of the food out of your braces.At first,literally everything will

    get stuck in your teeth but you will get use to it and it will get

    easier.Oh, and about the teeth whitening-I don't think you should do it.

    Because after you get your braces on, and brush your teeth like usual,

    you won't be able to reach the parts of your teeth under your brackets,

    which means that you won't actually be able to clean and brush that

    areas on every tooth.[well,every tooth the brackets are on].

    Whitening your teeth won't do anything because when you get

    your braces off,your teeth will be all white and nice except for the

    areas where the brackets were because you couldn't brush there.

    I guess,you will learn all this at the orthodontist's but listen well

    and pay attention.It's important.I have alot of experience with luck.

    I know that was alot! sorry but I know I had to have helped some! =]

  4. Usually the dentist will ask you if you want to have both bottom and top teeth on the same day. If you choose to get top and bottom on the same day, it will take about an hour, and most people have braces anywhere from 1 1/2 to 3 years.

    I would recommend you get your teeth whitened after you take off the braces. If you do it now, your teeth are just gonna get stained again because of the braces

    Hope I helped

  5. i dont know how long it takes to put them in but i do no my friends have al had them and they had them for at least 2 years b4 they come out

  6. mine took about and 1 and a half.  some peoples go shorter and some longer.  i didnt have my teeth whitened.  save your money for afterwords to get them whitened.... beware they hurt at first but they are fine...

  7. The first answer is on point and the best one. Go with that advice.

  8. it depends!!!!!!

    ask your dentist!!!!! lol

  9. mine took about 5 years

    my friend it took her 3

    it depends the person and whats wrong with the teeth

    and its better if you whiten your teeth after your braces :)

  10. no wait till after.....

  11. How long the braces takes depends on the situation.

    Usually lasts from a year to three years. You may also need some other appliances before or after the braces so have that in mind.

    About whitening the teeth before braces, i dont know if that is necessary but it is extremely important to take extra care of your teeth well braces are applied.

  12. Depends on how crooked your teeth are! Also...opt for whitening POST braces. Braces leave a cememnt residue that is bright white when they have been taken off...whitening would help blend it in when they are removed!

  13. Depending how bad your teeth are 1-2.5 years

    the worse the teeth the longer correction

    id reccommend getting them whitened after, you cant see your teeth properly in braces and they do cause slight discolouration :)

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