
Help period question!?

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i just started my first period on 8/23 saturday. and it just ended after 8 days on 8/30 saturday. i didnt have it for like all day and night. but now im just bleeding again. and before that some yellowish clear liquid was coming out. it kinda looked like i peed in my pants but i didn't. is this normal? remember this is my first period.




  1. I have never experienced that or heard about it from my friends, so I can't help you, which is probably the suckiest answer you're going to get lol. Talk to your mom or older sister or friends (who have their periods) about it. I'm sure they could be of more help, esp. your mom because she has authority and if there's soemthing wrong, she's the one who's going to do something about it.

  2. all of this is normal!

  3. welcome to women hood, its ok it to have the liquidity stuff its discharge everyone usually has it. Sometimes i will have my period for a couple of days and they it comes back that's fine.

  4. It's just discharge, this is totally normal.

    Don't worry about it.
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