
Help pill stuck in throat!?

by  |  earlier

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i took two big calcium pills and drank like 3 bottles of water with it, well i feel it in my throat and its starting to wont go down! i keep swallowing and nothing is moving. i hate big pills omg why do they even make them! is this normal for me to be having a stuck pill??




  1. that's pretty bad.

    makes ur self throw up.

    I cant believe u actually took the time to post this on yahoo answers.

  2. i would eat a banana, it helps. if not see the doctor

  3. try coughing it up ... if its still in the larynx a strong cough can dislodge it.

    then try swallowing it taking large gulps  but if it hurts too bad stop and go to the ER. you don't want something like that in your throat for too long

  4. I think you shouldn't drink any more water.  It can get dangerous depending on how big your bottle is.  If it were me, I would swallow a big piece of slightly moist bread.  You may want to go to the hospital.

  5. yeah, i agree. try eating some bread but if you are very worried , contact your health care professional. GOOD LUCK! :)

  6. My friend had trouble swallowing pills. She ate a spoonfull of peanut butter to help it down.  If you're not choking, you should be OK.

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