
Help please, i'm unsure of what college to attend when i leave school

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dose anyone know where the best colleges or sixth forms their are in london which study or do fashion because I'm only in year 11 and I'm unsure of of what colleges i want to apply.




  1. I was under the impression that the London College of Fashion was more of a university actually. Surely there's a college local to your school? I don't think it really matters which college you go to anyway as long as you get the grades :)

    shouldn't you have applied by now or are you going INTO year 11? (I've just left year 11 that's all!)

  2. goto metroplitan or tower hamlets and study a fashion course.

  3. how about the london college of fashion  

  4. college of the arts fashion in oxford circus

  5. depends on your gcse grades, but queens college sixth form is excellent

    city and islington also is meant to be good

    college of westminister

  6. london college of fashion

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