
Help please, im worried about college im a junior in high school!?

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Ok well im a Junior in High School and im very worried about my education life.

First of all i dont know what career i want to pursue

I always say i want to become a doctor "but what kind" i dont know!

Then i wonder that im a junior and i dont know what classes to take in college.

And also what classes should i take in high school to help me in the medical field. Already taken Honors Chemistry, AP Biology, Enviormental Honors




  1. 1) Kinda late in the game to worry about what HS classes to take, if you're already a junior.

    2) Why worry about college classes? Talk to a vocational guidance counsellor.

    3) I'm 51m and still don't know what I want to be if/when I "grow up".

    Lighten up. You'll give yourself ulcers.

  2. You are on the right track. However, you should not worry too much about college as their are a number of college students who are undecided about their major. I think you should talk with a guidance counselor as they can give you clear direction towards your educational goals. Have a great day!  

  3. It's fine that you're undecided for the moment. It is either in your third or fourth year of college/university that you have to decide. Otherwise, use your first two years to experiment because you never know you where you might find your niche. Also, another factor is that you're a junior. Don't sweat the big stuff yet.

  4.      I was once in your position; I knew that I wanted to do something that involves helping people but I just did not know what. The process that I used was to take classes such as psychology, sociology (humanities), communication, and even a child development class in high school. Once I got to college, I started with my basics: english, history and so forth. Furthermore, I just spoke with a guidance counselor who helped me research different fields, potential financial earnings, and course requirements for each field.

         If you know you want to do something in the medical field, I would suggest you stay on the path you are on as far as your sciences, maths, and so forth and seek the help of your high school counselor. I would even go as far as visiting local medical offices to speak to professionals in the field, you know, get the opinions of people already there; talk to your family physician. You will have to go to medical school regardless of the field you pursue, after wards you will then seek additional training for whatever specialty you decide on. By then I am pretty sure you'll have a career goal in mind.

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