
Help please, my boss just kissed me!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok two days ago i was just packing up my stuff to go home after a hard day at word and while i was doing that my boss came in my office and started to ask me these awkward question. then one thing lead to another and then before i knew it, she puts her tongue in my mouth? i was trying to avoid her but she kinda was forcing me to do it. after about ten minute of that, she kind of backed of and told me not to mention what happened in here.

what should i do, i kind of feel i've been taken advantage of. i'm embarrassed to talk to anyone and also, feel like, i might be putting my job at jeopardy!

it was weird that when i applied for this job she was the one who interviewed me and after the interview, two hours later she calls me and tells me i got the job....?




  1. Okay, a quick shocking kiss was what I was expecting to hear from this story. You say after ten minutes? Did she pin you down? Because that's the only reason why I can figure it went on for TEN minutes. That makes no sense. However, you need to figure out what to do from here. I would definitely report it to HR, your job shouldn't be in jeopardy--can't promise you it still won't happen as office politics get nasty and sometimes the innocent get hurt. reporting it to HR and putting it on record, if you are fired, the documentation can help you if you need to later take legal action or even if only needed to explain why you left. (something to prove your termination was not warranted)

  2. report this to human resources.  you can not lose your job or even be disciplined for this.  it is illegal to fire someone for complaining of sexual harrassment.  if you lose your job for reporting your boss, contact a lawyer.

  3. Ask for a raise haha now you can slack off at work and like not worry about it at all.  

  4. She can't fire you..she sexually assaulted you.  You could press charges and she knows that.  If you don't like it, report her to human resources and speak with her boss directly about the innappropriate behavior.

  5. I would report it immediately and tell her that under no circumstances are you there for anything but to work for the company and would appreciate it if she respected that.

    That was way out of line.

  6. I would get in contact with your HR department, this is unacceptable behavior. I am an Assistant Manager at an apartment community and I would hate to have this happen to me or anyone else. In order to make a change in the world we need to take a stand for what we believe is wrong, and if you where not okay with kissing her then it was wrong. Please speak up, it is against the law for you to lose your job if you bring up the issue, you become protected by the law.

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