
Help please,I have high testosterone levels due to my Adrenal Hyperplasia but what are some medicines for it?

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and no answers about taking steroids they weken you immune system and are very dangerous says my aunt the r.n. so any other medications that can help the effects of this adrenal hyperplaysia?




  1. Do you have CAH  - that is congenital adrenal hyperplasia? In some cases, steroids are necessary especially if your adrenals are not functioning well. I take them to live but I am careful as I had my adrenals removed due to having my entire body damaged from steroids produced from a pituitary tumor. Just to say steroids is dangerous is not giving a complete picture - they are also a necessary component to life (in proper amounts).

    What are you cortisol levels? What is your LH and FSH? What is your DHEA sulfate? Estrodiol? There are so many factors into testosterone that just knowing that one number means little as other hormones impact it. Your adrenals also produce a pre-hormone that makes it as well you need to know how the pituitary is signaling your glands.

    You need more information. The only medication I have ever heard of for CAH is corticosteroids. The good news is that they have recently developed a brand new steroid that should be out soon that mimics the  normal body's natural rhythm in one pill and will help people with adrenal issues not have so many side effects.

  2. How do you know you have this?  Surely your doctor would have given you some kind of treatment.  Your doc may give you cortisol to lower production of ACTH.

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