
Help please 10 points its about my p***s and when is going to stop growing please answer 10 points ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 and one night i was so board so i measured my p***s and it was 8in 3cm and i just wanted to know is that my limit will it get any bigger

as in will it keep growing or not is it done


when for an avg man does it stop

i posted this like 20 mins ago i got some stupid answers some were good




  1. I hope you are not complaining about your big size its better to have more than enough that to have less.

    You will probably grow slightly more ar it may remain at around the same size but on average we stop growing between 19 and 21.

  2. You have most likely fully grown now, although puberty continues to 19 years of age. You may find it develops thicker or more pronounced around the glans (head) but not much longer. Well done on your development.




  4. it (: ') stops growing in 18-20 . differs on each person.

  5. u can neva no for sure when ur p***s wil stop growing i no a few guys which are 9inchs long  

  6. MOST guys are as big as they're going to get down there by age 16.  Mine stopped growing when I was 14.

  7. research shows that every guy on this site exaggerate their p***s size by at least three inches, so at 5", you are average.


  8. no it will get bigger a men's p***s stops growing at 19  

  9. It will most likely stop growing around age 16 or 17.

    How big you will get depends on testosterone levels. The higher the more it grows. For example. Boys with micropenia (very small p***s) are treated by putting testosterone cream on the p***s or by injections. Do not do this without a doctor. The best thing is to eat healthy. Fruit and veggies. Pumpkin seed and Pistachios as well as other things raise testosterone levels.

    Easy on the sweets. No smoking! How big you get pepends on how big your father and your mothers father is. That is the genetics that controls how high your testosterone level will get.

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