
Help please! Dont know where else to turn to..?

by  |  earlier

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Well, Ive been going out with this girl for a long time and without warning she breaks up with me. I still care about her but obviously she doesn't, shes been talking to my friend and it seems like she wants to try other guys. i wanna appear as if i dont care, what do i say 2 her??




  1. Well firstly I don't know why your acting like it doesn't bother you. But anyways when shes around you just relax and act normal, nothing else you can really do.

  2. if you want to appear that way, don't say anything. don't look at her, don't ever talk about her, and when people ask about her shrug your shoulders and i say "i dont know."

    If she ever talks to you don't laugh, or smile. Don't compliment either. But don't be mean. Still talk to her! She obviously wants to talk to you if she makes an effort to.

  3. Don't go into denial

    I understand how many people especially guys want to put on a brave face and act as if they don't care when a significant other breaks up with them but is this really doing you any good ? the answer is no

    Your trying to fool yourself and others that your ok when infact your not. It isn't healthy. Put yourself and health first.

    It clearly bothers you so call her up text her talk to her on msn etc and invite her over to your place or ask if she wants to go out for a coffee or milkshake etc. Then over the drink you can both talk about the things that are bugging you both. You probably want to know for yourself why she broke up with you. You can ask her when you meet with her and maybe she might have some questions for you. All i'm saying is it is best to be open and honest about your feelings other than trying to sweep thigns under the carpet which believe me doesn't work. I know some of the things i'm saying are easier said than done and it will be awkward but it will put your mind at rest and probably relieve some of the stress and tension that is resting on your shoulders

    Good luck  

  4. nothing...

  5. You don't have to say anything to her.  Even if its hard, try to move on.  Act yourself and not depressed exsepcially when she's around.  Eventually you will get over her and can move on to other girls.  

  6. just be yourself .

    dont show too much emotions toward it .

  7. well from experience, the best way to get over one person is to get another, i wouldnt say anything to her, as the saying goes if you love something set it free ,if it comes back its yours if it dont it never was ,just pretend like it doesnt bother you, if she really cares or cared about you it will bother her that you are ignoring her  alos getting another girlfriend will spite her who knows you might find someone whom you like better and realize she wasnt the best one for you...good luck, hope everything works out for you..

  8. Why lie ot your self, if you care about your be honest with her. Let her realize that she is missing something great by leting you go adn it will b eeasier for you to get over her if you are honest about your feelings all the time.

    Nothing wrong with ccrying or looking vulnerabble.

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