
Help please!! Going for an interview where I already work. I will be interviewed by bosses I know wellish.?

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Why am I more nervous, usually these things do not bother me at all but this interview is making me nervous. Like if I don't get the job, what's it going to be like working there, if the person who gets it gets it thru favouritism. I once reported my immediate boss for bullying which was proved, could they regard me as a trouble maker? Once of the bosses told me I had guts but you never know!! I was 3 years there before I couldn't stand it any more, so went to my Manager, all resolved well and we still work OK together if not better.




  1. just face it out anyway so what if you dont get it

    something else will come your way

  2. Being interviewd by someone you know is a lot harder than by someone you dont.

    Normally though - they are just going through the motions.  You either already have the job, or you dont and they want to make it look like everyone gets a chance at it.

    Are you well regarded?  Do they know you and like you?  If the answer is yes, likelyhood is you already have the job, so just relax.

  3. Camilla, your purpose in this new job interview is to convince the prospective employer that you're the most suitable for the job, do not worry about anything else, in order to do that, you need to present yourself to the interviewers in the right way, tell them what you can do for them should they select you for the job.

    Select your words carefully, avoid asking inappropriate questions, listen carefully to what the interviewers say and frame your answers accordingly, develop and use your own style to deliver a perfect performance.

    All the best of luck, go and get them.

  4. they may ask someone from another departmetn to interview you dont worry about reporting the bullying you did the right thing bullying in the workplace os wrong good luck i hope you get the job

  5. just be yourself and don't be nervous if your boss was proved for bullying then he was at fault so it shouldn't effect how he sees you in the interview but i can understand where your coming from as well... Just don't worry about it and stay calm because the more you worry the more you'll make mistakes so just relax and it should go smooth! :)

  6. if you know your boss and already work along side them you should have no need to be nervy. If you can initiate a conversation with them first then your boss wil relax and will set a positive start to your interview.

    good luck and hope all goes well.

  7. Don't assume that you don't have to try as hard because they know you, or assume that they already know that you are competent at your job. They will be comparing everyone interviewed on the day - treat it as if you are going for a new job, but you know what they want to hear more than the others so you have an advantage. Just don't be complacent.

  8. That's a tricky one, but what they know about you, you also know about them, interviews are a two-way thing. If all else fails, seamed stockings and heels will seal the deal. Good luck hun, not that you'll need it xo

  9. Shock them.  Do something entirely unexpected and shocking ... that way, you will get their attention.

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