
Help please.. I.P need answer!! 2nd Year Biology?

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can you help me find a good I.P. I need one ASAP. Pls. i have a request. I dont want u to ask me if i'm interested in what here are the details:

2nd Year HighSchool, Biology, It should be an experiment pls. reply Tnx God Bless




  1. you may try doing an investigatory project(IP) on paper. that is what we did when i was in first year. for this year, our investigatory project has something to do with plants because we also study biology. our IP is the effect on the growth of a plant if coffee would be used as a ferrtilizer. we are not done yet with the experiment. we were just given the topic for our IP so i can't give you more details regarding this. i am also a second year hs student. i hope i was able to help you:)

  2. i found a site maybe it's help you a lot

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