
Help....please!!!! I need bottle suggestions!?

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I have been back to work for a week and my 3 month-old has yet to take a bottle. We have tried Avent and Playtex to no avail. Does anyone have any suggestions for feeding her and/or what bottle may work better. ALSO: Please settle a little dispute between my husband and I...Is it best to have only one caregiver while she is getting acustomed to the bottle, or is it okay to switch them around? Thank you in advance for all of your answers!




  1. I just used the regulare bottles that cost like 2 bucks for a three pack my baby would fight for about 20 minutes per try to give him the bottle but what always worked for my mom to give him the bottle was to Swaddle him Realllly tight and hold him verrrry close and tight so they and then just get the bottle into his mouth and hold it there for a bit maybe rub the nipple on his gums back and fourth it took him a bit but gradually he would take the bottle faster and faster till he would take it right away as long as he was wrapped tight and eventually he didn';t have to be wrapped at all this whole prosses took like 1 1/2  to 2 weeks.

    they are right tho as soon as you walk in and he hears you or sees you he wont take the bottle for nothing cause they really do know

  2. Well, first, I think that in order to get used to the both of you, you should switch. But until she gets used to the bottle, you may want to try just one. Try switching first and if it doesn't work, only use one caregiver. Second, use Playtex Dropins. They make it so that your baby will have much less gas and you won't have to wash the bottles. You just put in a new liner. More information here:

  3. dr. browns bottles are good but if you have tried playtex maybe you should try playtex ventaire the new and improved if not go to and they have a diffrent selectiion of bottles!!

  4. I use the Breastflow bottles but I think my son is starting to prefer them over me!!  Haha!!  The adiri bottles are a waste of money.  Dr. Browns are nice but not for a baby who prefers the breast.  They have a double nipple (the Breast Flow) that simulates let down and have a very short nipple and a wide round base.  They are not too expensive either, make sure you stick with the stage one nipple though.  They come in 5 and  9 oz sizes and you can buy the stage 1 nipples seperate if your daughter is eating more then 5 ounces at a time.

    Edit: They are not BPA free but the Avent BPA free liners fit them you have to warm  the milk in another container of course though which I think is a pain.  Plus I don't know if BPA is worse then whatever they use to sterilize the liners.

  5. Well, my daughter went to daycare for the first time about a month ago at nine months.  Until then she had only had breast milk from a bottle less than a dozen times.  She is not fond of the bottle, but seems to be okay with the Born Free bottle, which is vented and BPA free (and expensive!! we only have three bottles which is working out fine.  Also, make sure you get the right size nipple).  She will not drink a lot though and is only going through app. 5 oz while at daycare.  Instead she has added on the night feeding again.  With regards to how many caregivers while getting used to the bottle I really have no idea.  I just know that she has never wanted to take a bottle from me.  Good luck!!

  6. Dr. Brown's bottles are amazing--the transition will be difficult no matter what bottle you choose. However, she will have no choice and will eventually give up fighting and will take a bottle. She will probably never take a bottle from you or anyone else if you are around and she knows it or can sense it. She knows you've got the real stuff, so she'll never take a bottle. She may eventually take one from Daddy, but it'll have to be if you're gone for a length of time and after hours of battling. After a day or two at daycare or wherever you take her, she'll take a bottle from them without much fuss.  

  7. Well... some ideas.  

    First, since she's used to the nipple, she's used to a pretty good flow.  Bottles are different and make you have to work at it more, which isn't nearly as pleasant for the baby.  So, you may want to try larger nipple holes.  With Avent for instance you might want to try a size 3 or 4 nipple since the milk practically flows out of them with little work.  

    Second, you are the breast.  Hate to say it, but most babies I know who had to transition early like this would never take the bottle from mom.  Mom is the breast.  Breast is better, don't want the bottle, give me breast!  So dad will have to step up for this.  I had to supplement for a while and I had to never give her the bottle while she was in my arms because then she'd refuse the breast (milk problems...)  Sounds like it's the other way for you.  

    Third, yes, I believe it's better to have one caregiver while she gets used to it.  The reason is that you both have your own methods for holding her and the bottle, and while she's getting used to the bottle it's better to have things the same every time so she doesn't have to worry about that.  Once she's got the bottle down, then you can have others hold her.  But like you found with your older daughter, you may never have her take the bottle from you.

    Fourth... make sure the milk is warm.  There's a nice new baby thermometer out that uses infrared technology to take the temperature.  You might want to invest in one of those and use it to make sure the milk is at least as warm as you are.  My sister-in-law was able to have her daughter on luke-warm or even cold milk, but we never could with our girl.  She had to have it very warm (and still does.)


    i used these bottles and i really liked, them and i would always use the same kind of bottle.

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