
Help please.....I want to sleep tonight :)?

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I started to breastfed my baby 8 days ago. She is 5 weeks I had a lot of problems trying to breastfed her and I never give up. I fed her and she keeps sucking her hand so I try again and she start making this clicking noise and everything that milk come out she get fussy and doesn't want to take my breast. She keeps sucking her hand and I try again !!!!!!!!!!!! she keeps doing this all night!!!!!!!!!!!!. She does this specially at night. She doesn't do this during the day. This will be the third night that she does it . What is the problem??? and she doesn't' take a paci.

Help please.....




  1. The clicking noise is a sound that they make when the tongue is placed at the top of the mouth. She may not be getting her tongue down far enough before you place her on the breast - therefor she isn't getting enough when she is eating

  2. I found that a nipple shield helped.  Maybe your milk is coming too fast for her?  Or she's been drinking from a bottle for the first 5 weeks so she prefers that silicone nipple.  I'm currently breastfeeding AND bottle feeding my 2 month old.  I use the nipple shield to help with my issues, and my baby takes both (no confusion).

    See a lactation consultant for more advice.  The clicking noise you mentioned might mean she's a bit tongue-tied (it makes it harder for her to latch/suck).

    Good luck!  Breastfeeding is very difficult.  Do the best you can but remember you're still a great mom if you use formula.

  3. I know that she is only 5 weeks old and the doctors are totally against what I am going to tell you but, at night, fix her a bottle with just a small amount of baby cereal in it.  Just a small amount only.  She should sleep through the night.  That is what I had to do.  My little one was so hungry.  He needed a little something to stick to his ribs.  Good Luck.  

  4. Congratulations on not giving up on nursing, it's a great thing for you and your little one.  My son is 10 weeks and he loves to suck on his hands, too.  When I nurse him (using the cross-cradle hold), I tuck his lower hand behind me, sort of like he's hugging me and then I hold his upper hand.  I swaddle him at night so he can't get his hands out at all.  I would swaddle your daughter at night and make sure she can't get her hands out.  If she gets too frustrated, you can leave one hand out so she can suck on it when you're not nursing (and it will be easier to control the one hand when you're feeding her).  Swaddling is great - keeps them relaxed and helps them sleep longer.  Good luck!

  5. "Is forceful let-down the problem?

    Does your baby do any of these things?

    Gag, choke, strangle, gulp, gasp, cough while nursing as though the milk is coming too fast

    Pull off the breast often while nursing

    Clamp down on the nipple at let-down to slow the flow of milk

    Make a clicking sound when nursing

    Spit up very often and/or tend to be very gassy

    Periodically refuse to nurse

    Dislike comfort nursing in general

    If some of this sounds familiar to you, you probably have a forceful let-down. This is often associated with too much milk (oversupply). Some mothers notice that the problems with fast letdown or oversupply don't start until 3-6 weeks of age. Forceful let-down runs the gamut from a minor inconvenience to a major problem, depending upon how severe it is and how it affects the nursing relationship."

    & more here

    I had an overactive letdown at the start; I can't offer you any advice that isn't on that page save for: hang in there; the fussy feedings will be a distant memory in a few months. For now, try to start a nursing before baby knows she's hungry, when just waking up, or in the tub for a nice calm feed...

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