
Help please. Whats the summary of this?

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And next to him malicious Envy rode

Upon a ravenous wolf, and still did chaw

Between his cankered teeth a venomous toad,

That all the poison ran about his chaw.

But inwardly he chawed his own maw

At neighbors wealth, that made him ever sad,

For death it was when any good he saw,

And wept that cause of weeping none he had;

But when he heared of harm, he waxed wonderous glad.

All in kirtle of discolored say

He clothed was y'painted full of eyes;

And in his bosom secretly there lay

An hateful snake, the which his tail upties

In many folds, and mortal sting implies.

Still as he rode, he gnashed his teeth to see

THose heaps of gold with gripple Covertise

And grudged at the great felicity

Of proud Lucifera and his own company.

He hated all good words and vituous deeds,

And him no less that any like did use,

And who with gracious bread the hungry feeds,

His alms for want of faith he doth accuse;

So every good to bad he doth abuse.




  1. He is consumed with envy for any happiness he sees that others may have, and finds his only happiness in the pain of others.

  2. It's a lamentation. Life is full of ups and downs, take each in step and roll with the punches, a good is just down the road from your last bad. It may be hidden, but it is there.

    I'd save that and put it up on a corkboard in your room, one corner a tack, the other corner a star.

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