
Help please!! Which optician will give my 8 year old contact lenses?

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My 8 year old son hates his glasses. I'm sure some of you have read my other 2 questions I posted earlier today so you know the details. I have rang Brosgills Opticians to ask about the possibility of contacts for him and they basically said no there and then. She said he wouldn't be able to adjust to them or look after them properly and that they would be too expensive for me. Does anyone know of any optician that will actually help me rather than making me feel like a bad mother? Specsavers maybe? Should I go to a different opticians? I know he would look after them as they would make him so happy. Thank you x*x




  1. i got contact lenses when i was 10 or 11 i think. i got them from colin lee. but now i'm 19 i go to specsavers.

  2. I am not sure if any opticians would give him contact lenses (but you dont know unless you ask). So I would try other opticians. Explain his distress ect, or how about talking to your gp ?

  3. well he has to go through training for them, on how to put them in and take them out and being 8 I don't think he will be able to ssit in the class for very long.

  4. not going to happen

  5. If they're a good optician they wouldn't let your 8 year old have contact lenses.  I haven;t seen your other questions so can't comment on why you would think he needs psychological help but if it is just about hating his glasses, he just has to get used to them, it is not a psychological issue.

  6. Vicky...........get the yellow pages out and try them all..........surely one of them will do it. Good Luck xx

  7. I dont know which one does them, you will need to phone around but I know some definately do, my friends little sister was about that age when she got soft conract lenses as she needed them for gymnastics!

  8. I honestly think he's way too young for contacts.  All kids hate their glasses, I did, I wore them first when I was 7.

    Thats life , its called character building!!

  9. You're willing to put your son through the risks of infection, corneal erosion, and other severe risks so that he learns that it isn't worth it to stand up to bullies? Great lesson.

    Ditch the thoughts about contacts until he's old enough to care for them on his own, and don't ever consider lasik without reading nice and in depth about the severe side effects some patients have to cope with for the rest of their lives. Instead, try and instill self confidence in him so that he knows that being 'four eyed' isn't the end of the world.

    You're not a bad mother when you tell a kid no to something they shouldn't do.

  10. Of course you're not a bad mother you only want to make your son happy and that is what all good mothers want however, maybe in this instance you should listen to the experts they are not selling these to children for a reason.

  11. Eyes are still growing at 8, and you could damage his eyes

    No reputable optician will contacts at that age.

    You should concentrate on making your son comfortable with glasses until he's old enough.

  12. have you tried rimless glasses? They are so light now and you barely feel like you are wearing anything on your face. Maybe he will get on better with them.

  13. not gonna happen.  He's going to have to deal with glasses

  14. I havent really read you previous questions but 8 years old is very young to have contacts i know from experience that once i started wearing them my eyes deteriorated they only get worse your eyes become lazy and they stop working for themselves his eyes will get worse and worse over the years leaving him totally dependable on them dont do it please, i ended up having to go for Laser Surgery as mine got really bad to point i couldnt go toilet without putting my glasses on i couldnt drive in glasses so had no choice to wear contacts but they make your eyes worse please consider it seriously for his sake later in life

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