
Help!! please! be honest :)?

by  |  earlier

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ok i really really like this guy and well we always talk through facebook and we have been talking since we have talk about alot of things lol but we are so good friends that he is asking me to hook him up with my friend.. so i'm suppose to ask her what she thinks of him and then give him the heads up

but i love him! also he's fourteen and my friend is 16 anyways on friday he will ask me what she said and well she didnt say anything not to be a bad friend cause she know i like him but do u think it would be mean if i told him..she says your too young for her and that she's not interested in you cause you are too inmature for her.




  1. Don't tell him about the immature thing.  Just say that she thinks he's too young and that she's just not interested.  Then tell him that, although you like it that he felt comfortable enough to ask you to hook him up with someone, that in the future you might not want to do it again because you feel caught in the middle between what should be a private conversation.  It would be best (and more sincere and romantic) if he asked the girl he likes in the future out himself.  

    This way you get out of having to hook him up with anyone again, but also letting him know that you appreciate that he feels comfortable enough and trusts you enough with that kind of stuff.  

    However...him doing that and asking through you, sort of makes it seems that he doesn't see you as a romantic interest yet.  Since you do know him in real life, maybe you can see if you guys can just hang out in real life rather than through the Internet, and that way he can see more of what its like to be around you and to get to know you better.  But I wish you the best of luck and I hope you get the one you love in the end. :)

  2. i think u should tell him what your friend has said. be honest with him :)

    maybe you'll be next in line? XD

    good luck!


  3. Dont fabricate a story, you will get caught out in the end.

    Simply tell him you are not comfortable passing this information to your friend  or that you dont wish to be in the middle.

    If you get this guy on the net and don't know him in real life, please exercise some caution, a few weeks is not a long time to get to really know someone - especially behind the curtain of a screen . :-)

  4. dont say the immature thing but its not bad to say that she thinks hes too young.  

  5. say "she didn't say anything because i didn't ask her, becuse i like you." just be honest with him, you'll have to be eventually if you want something to happen anyway. =]

  6. Leave him alone.  Friends along with guys you like can be a very sticky situation......A guy can say anything on computer.  Don't play with it.

  7. don't lie, that probably wont end up well

    you should just tell him that she doesn't have an opinion on him

    and if you're feeling confident, tell him how you feel  

  8. please! be honest :)?

    1.  ok i really really like this guy


    3. he is asking me to hook him

    up with my friend . . .

    I left # 2 blank, cause either he realy

    realy forgot to mention if he likes you,

    what with asking about your friend,

    or you just realy realy forgot to let

    him know how you feel, in which case

    i suggest you do,  or you could realy

    realy, have a real mess, on your hands . . .

    Hey, you wanted honesty,

    don't say i never gave you

    anything . . .

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