
Help please?? eyelash problem???

by  |  earlier

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i have been using the new Givenchy Phenomen'Eyes and when i washed my eye make up off GENTLY .. FIVE eyelashes fell off!!! :'( !!! 1) will they eventually grow back? 2) i am getting my eyelashes permed next it a good idea? and if yes, is it a good idea to wear mascara? 3) should i stop using Givenchy Mascara?




  1. i had this problem before, i figured out that the mascara was old and bought a new one and everything is normal. if this is not the case maybe the eye make-up remover isn't good

  2. dont wear masara  

  3. It sounds like you're doing it right.

    First, they will grow back! I promise.

    Second, mascara is ok to wear as long as you wash it off everyday. I'm guilty of not doing that, so my lashes break alot.

    Third, with the condition of your eyelashes right now, I would wait a few more weeks to get them permed.

    Lastly, maybe you could skip wearing mascara for a few days and see if the problem continues. If you think it is the mascara, then try something else.

    Good luck, and sorry about your eyelashes.

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