
Help please french !!!????

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can you help me out continuing this in french ...he needs to keep refusing the food and he thinks the hospital food is very boring!

so far i got

nurse: alors...pour le diner tu vas manger de la viande et des legumes

sam: mais je n'ai pas faim, moi !

nurse: y a des carottes...

sam: berk ! je deteste les carottes ! il y a des pastisseries?




and so on...

can you gus help me out i don't know how to write the rest and i really need help ...could you also check what i have so far?

they just need to keep on having th conversation where sam refuses all the food suggested....

it would be great if u guys could help me by wrriting up a bit more of the conversation.... and it doesn't have to be like a complicated conversation just simple like what i got so far....

thanks heaps to who answers!!!!




  1. Jackson B, you wouldn't use that expression, and if you did it would be written: c'est le petit dejeuner d'un chien.  But the other girl has it down, with no errors so I'd go with that one.

  2. say

    Quoi! Qu'est-ce que c'est, le chiens petit déjeuner?

    it means " What! what is this, the dog's breakfast?

  3. Nurse : il y a juste un yaourt en dessert aujourd'h*i.

    Sam : Encore ! Mais je déteste ça !

    Nurse : Vraiment ? Pourtant, hier tu en as mangé un.

    Sam : Parce que j'étais mort de faim ! La nourriture est terrible dans cet hôpital ! De plus, je l'ai à peine goûté votre yaourt !

    Nurse : Mort de faim, mort de faim... C'est ce qui risque de t'arriver si tu ne manges pas un peu plus !

    Allez ! Fais un effort ! Il faut que tu reprennes des forces !

    Sam : Reprendre des forces ! Mais...

    It's all i can think of .... :-)

    Spelling mistake on "patisseries". No "s"

    Hope it helps !

    Tia 890 : Il y a des erreurs dans ton texte - you made a few mistakes in your conversation;-)

    In France, "traiteur" is not really a takeway...

  4. continued  

    by the way this is a very good translator

    Nurse: vous devez manger- You have to eat

    Sam: la nourriture d'hôpital est répugnante- Hospital food is disgusting

    Nurse: manger de la nourriture maintenant- Eat the food now

    Sam: Je ne dois pas- I don't have to

    Nurse: Que faites-vous aimez-vous manger ?- What do you want to eat?

    Sam: un traiteur- A takeaway

    Hope this helps

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