
Help please i have been having this continuous dream about?

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meat.................i dream constantly about plates and plates of meat, hot dogs, sausages, meatballs...........these meats are served to me over and over, i am literality gorging myself, then someone brings me dessert........a plate of whipped cream and i wake up totally full and satisfied!...........what does this mean.........any help?




  1. Wow!!!  That is so bizarre.  For whatever reason your whole dream reminds me of something that I used to be involved in a few years ago---it had something to do with sliding in and out and lots of l*****g and touching but I can't for the life of me remember what that event was called.  I know it started with an S and it was a very short word....kind of like sacs or something.  I know it felt good and I wanted to experience it a lot.  I know I was with this person who had long hair and different body parts than me. this will bother me all night long....thank you!!!

  2. you need to become a veggie....

  3. Sounds like a wonderful dream that is satisfying all your  pleasurable appetites...Love honey

  4. have you checked your fridge after?? could be sleep-eating...if not maybe the meat symbolizes something in your life that is to excessive the dessert symbolizes the solution to the excess which is why you end up feeling satisfied.

  5. You apparently have a secret fantasy about Matthew LeBlanc, Joey of Friends, and in particular; you life the episode where he ate Rachel's concoction, a mixture ot a shepherd's pie and a trifle. As he phrased it "meat and whipped cream, what is not to love?". I suggest you watch the episode and realize your subconscious desire to finf Matt and ask "How you doin'?"

  6. Ya just love the sausage!!!

  7. It means you have an appetite for something but rarely is it for what it is presented in the dream. LOL...I think you know exactly what it means.  If only I were a butcher, baker or candlestick maker.

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