
Help! please. i have everything that a normal person dosen't want and i am only a teenager!?

by Guest10745  |  earlier

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hey. thanks for viewing this. i am a a teenager and i have moobs, fats on my stomach and i am 80 kg, 1.73metres tall only! PLEASE HELP ME!! people are making fun of me because of my build and i am sick of it. please give me a diet plan and some advice to help me get rid of those body disasters.. Please also tell me how much weight i need to lose in order to be of a healthy weight.. Thank you for not making fun of me.




  1. Please see my answer below

  2. You don't need to loss any weight to me but to make you happier with your self just loss 10kgs but first answer these question 1)Do you avoid mirrors when walking by them? 2) Do you feel ashamed of your body a lot of time? 3)Do you compare your body to the bodies of models in the media? if you answer yes to any of this then you feel uncomfortable with your body, and you worry too much about what you look like. if you love yourself so will others.

  3. i would say if u really think u need to loose weight then id say diet and exercise but i think that anyone one who makes fun of u for that is SHALLOW and deep people will like you for who you are thats how you know who your real friends are

  4. depending on what age you are, a low fat diet may not be good for you so it's better if you perhaps take up jogging and other sports/exercise and eat healthy foods only and watch portion sizes too.  As a teenager, your body is still changing so don't get overly worried about your size and shape.  You need to make sure you're still getting all the nutrients your body needs for developing regardless of which eating plan you eventually choose.  The good news is that while you're still young, your body can very easily be whipped into shape.

  5. i know this sounds crazy, but you can lose weight by eating more times a day. it increases your metabolism, which gives you more energy. don't eat like, mcdonalds five or six times a day. eat healthy snacks like trail mix, fruit, etc. check out the source i posted for an article on that.

    and work out. if running wears you out easily then body building works well because it causes your body to burn fat and if you get in a daily schedule for it your body will start burning fat even while you're sitting still. one of my friends that lifts weights told me that, and she said that is how she lost a lot of weight.

    another thing you should do is drink as much water as you can a day. even when you're not thirsty, drink water. it will start flushing out things that shouldn't be in your body, and you will feel healthier and you will lose weight also.

  6. Eat alot of celery, but do not starve yourself.

    try adding some flax seed to meals (you don't taste it, just the texture)

    do some exersising find some fun exersising games to play with friends

  7. doo some hard running every day after school, bicycle riding, excessive swimming, don't eat at much, if you don't eat for like a day then your stomach will shrink and you wont be as hungry as often.

    push-ups and sit-ups.

    and don't give up it takes a little bit of time.

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