
Help please? i want to get stronger arms?

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Hi there! i'm.. well... i'm weak. :( yes, and its sad to me.. so id like to start lifting weights! :)

My question is... what should i do everytime before and/or after i lift them??

im planning to start out by lifting 5 lb weights in each hand..

So please if anyone could give me advice?? i'm new to lifting weights.. i need to know the proper way to work out so i can get stronger and not damage anything..

by the way im a girl and im 15 yrs old if that helps any

thanks in advance! =)




  1. The best, most effective way to make your arms stronger is to work out at a gym or at home. You can do this either by using free weights (dumbells etc), machine weights, or your own body weight (push ups, chin ups etc). Although you may want to build up your arms it is probably a good idea that you build up the rest of your body, especially your core muscles (abdominals etc) or you may put un-needed stress on bones and other muscles. This is because muscles work in antagonist pairs (one muscle constricts whilst the other one relaxes), and too much strength in one muscle can cause problems.

    So the best thing to do is join a gym and speak to the proffessionals.

  2. before you start it, you have to stretch. do like a "talk to the hand" gesture, bu hold it with the other, keeping it strait and pulling gently.

    I suggest that you do 20 reps a day and increase 10% of your workout every week.

    (if you start this week, next week you would do 22 reps)(then 24 after that) and so on and so forth untill you get to 35 reps, and then move on to 10 pounds and repeat.

    I did the same, but adding 25% a week.

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