
Help please im worried about my friend?

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my best friend has just gone vegaterian and wont eat other sources of iron!

what might happentoher




  1. was this a situation trying to express or a reality!! If it is not a situion then i think she might be ill!!

  2. im a vegetarian, tell her to take some iron supliments, if she doesn't have any iron intake in her body at all she could become very weak and ill, i know this from when i was bulemic. tell he she HAS to have some iron intake in her body other her body will simply get very weak and make her ill, i hope this helps x

  3. Depends on what she's eating.  Many plant based foods do have iron (Spinach, trail mix, etc) so if she's eating a balanced diet, I wouldn't worry about her not taking supplements.  You are a nice friend to worry about her health.  Maybe show her a list of sources where she can get iron from vegetarian foods to show her that you are supportive in her choice.

  4. Nothing much, she will maybe suffer from lack of essential amino acids if she doesn't eat the right vegetables to provide this, however if she eats enough green leafy vegetables she will gain plenty of iron. If going on a vegetarian diet always consult a doctor or a dietician who will advise you what foods will contain the essential amino acids found in meats, also how to ensure you maintain enough potassium and iron the diet as this can sometimes be a problem.

  5. she could get anemic which means she'll be exhausted, get sick all the time, could get depressed.

    stupid girl, just tell her to take iron tablets. but not too many because that can make you sick as well.

  6. Nothing bad will happen to your friend as long as she knows what to eat. You know nothing about vegetarianism, so do your research before judging. I understand you're afraid for your friend, but most vegetarians are healthy. Those who aren't, are those who either aren't eating the right stuff, or those who didn't plan their lifestyle as they should have from the beginning (like rather than learning before getting into it, they got into it and learned as they went on with it). Try to get her to get different vitamins in her diet. It's very easy. Some will help with iron absorption.

    ~ Vitamin C, in particular, is a potent enhancer of iron absorption if it's eaten at the same time as iron-rich foods. Most vegetarians get plenty of vitamin C from fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, cauliflower, kiwi fruit, cantaloupe, potatoes, cabbage and citrus. Try mixing and matching these with the items in our chart. For example, top iron-fortified cereal with strawberries and soy milk. Toss a spinach salad with orange segments and sesame seeds. And try to eat lots of the foods that contain both iron and vitamin C: broccoli, swiss chard, potatoes.

    Other iron-essential nutrients include copper, manganese, vitamins A and D and the B-complex vitamins. In general, iron-enhancing and -inhibiting foods balance each other out in vegetarian meals. It also seems that your body adapts to varying dietary conditions over time, becoming more efficient at absorbing iron when you need more of it and absorbing less when supplies in your diet are abundant.

    If you routinely eat a good variety of foods, there's probably nothing to worry about. Just be mindful of the factors that affect iron absorption, and avoid a diet that's high in iron-blocking foods and low in iron-embracing ones. Some iron-filled foods include whole grain and iron-enriched breads and cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds, dark green and leafy vegetables and some dried fruits.

    good plant sources of


    FOOD (serving)                    IRON (mg)

    Breads, Cereals and Grains

    Cream of wheat, cooked (1 cup)      10.3

    Bran flakes (3/4 cup)                8.1

    Quinoa, cooked (1 cup)               4.0

    Oatmeal, cooked (1 cup)              1.6

    Whole wheat bread (1 slice)          0.9


    Soybeans, cooked (1 cup)             8.8

    Tofu (1/2 cup)                       6.7

    Lentils, cooked (1 cup)              6.6

    Kidney beans, cooked (1 cup)         5.2

    Garbanzo beans, cooked (1 cup)       4.7

    Lima beans, cooked (1 cup)           4.5

    Black-eyed peas, cooked (1 cup)      3.6

    Pinto beans, cooked (1 cup)          3.6

    Lentil soup (1 cup)                  2.7

    Tempeh (1/2 cup)                     2.2

    Nuts and Seeds

    Sesame Tahini (2 Tbs.)               2.7

    Sunflower seeds (1/4 cup)            2.4

    Cashews (1/4 cup)                    2.0


    Prune juice (8 oz.)                  3.0

    Apricots, dried (1/2 cup)            1.7

    Figs, dried (1/2 cup)                1.5

    Raisin (1/2 cup)                     1.5


    Spinach, cooked (1 cup)              6.4

    Swiss chard, cooked (1 cup)          4.0

    Mushrooms, cooked (1 cup)            2.7

    Potato, baked with skin (medium)     1.9

    Bok choy, cooked (1 cup)             1.8


    Blackstrap molasses (2 Tbs.)         7.2 ~

    Hope this helps. Don't worry about her. Just don't deprive her of these foods for your sake, and let her be who she is. Agree to have at least one vegetarian meal with her, to show her that you accept it and want to learn more about it for her. She'll probably love you for it.

  7. she is stupid, hav u tried slapping her out of it??

    just jokin ;c]

  8. Tell her she needs to eat healthier make sure it is completely clear you are not against her going vegetarian.

  9. As long as she's eating iron rich foods (leafy greens and beans among them), and she's eating something with vitamin C at the same time, she'll get iron.  Both of you should go to to see what foods are rich in iron and calcium.

    I take a multivitamin that has iron to be on the safe side.

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