
Help please... is this breaking a labor law? and end up in termination?

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Please help me if this letter will help control this supervisor. If this illegal and if this supervisor will get fire for doing this action. He is a very evil guy and I need help to get rid of him, he has been trying to get people fire because they disobeys him. Thank you. Please tell me if this is good enough or is there other laws i need to mention in this letter? help please thank you.

Dung Le, Vietnamese, a supervisor from the warehouse is accepting bribes for many years. As a supervisor he expects every employee to serve him for his personal needs; we employees always have to gift him, and go here and there for him. He always favors the employees that bribe him, the ones that don’t bribe him much or doesn’t at all, he would show no mercy upon them. If anyone disagrees or disobeys him, he would find a way to give us a warning and threaten us that we’re going to lose our job and no other company would hire us if he does. He would push his employees to a corner by letting them do heavy duties even when he knows very well that some of us have health conditions that are not very well fit for the project; which he sometimes assigns us to when he doesn’t get his way. It’s very obvious to everyone that he accepts bribes. The most unreasonable issue occurred is when he forces his employees to let his wife file our taxes every year for an expensive rate. Usually H&R Block or other places files taxes for a cheaper rate than what Dung’s wife has to offer. We are well aware not to disobey him, or we might lose our job. We are very afraid of him and cannot speak up because we need this job to support our family. This has been going on for a very long period of time, it builds up inside of us for many years and it’s torturing us. Dung thinks he can slave us and torture us anytime he wants, mentally and physically. It’s very hard for us employees to speak up because most of us doesn’t speak English very well and doesn’t know about the law in the United States. The actions that Dung Le is doing are inequitable and cannot be tolerated. We believe that we should have a non-threaten working environment to complete our daily job without having to deal with the pressure we get from this irresponsible supervisor. Please help us investigate and remove this supervisor immediately from the seat that he is in, and give justice to us employees. Thank you, your attention is very valuable to us.




  1. This is why there are labor unions in this world. Do you have a union? Do you have a Human Resource Department? What he is doing is illegal under U.S. Labor laws and at the very least if this is in America you need to go to the US Dept of Labor

  2. Sounds like he's WAY out of line.

    The EEOC office is only for cases of legal discrimination, so wouldn't be of help here.  Hard to tell how the president and CEO will react.

    Good luck.

  3. First of all I am not sure WHO you are sending this letter to but you need to go directly to the EEOC to file a Charge of Employment Discrimination.

    Also, you will need evidence or proof against him as in actual; Dates, Times and Names he accepted bribes and mistreated employees. It is a good idea to keep a small notepad and keep track of EVERY TIME you can remember something happening or as it occurs.  Include this information in your charge to the EEOC.  And do not talk about filing a claim to ANYONE at work. Let the EEOC handle the investigation. They can protect you and anyone who files from retaliation.

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