
Help please people I am having trouble

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I have Hypospadias an its one inch away from my p***s. I was told that It causes the ejaculate to be deposited too low in the v****a. which conception cant occur. Is this true? Is there any s*x postions that I can try?




  1. If you ejaculate into the v****a, and if the girl is ovulating, her cervical mucus would allow the sperm to swim to where they need to go.  Have you ever tried to get someone pregnant?  Are you trying to concieve now?  

    It should be fine, but I have never heard of that before, so I could be wrong.

    Good luck!

  2. Try having her elevate her hips for about half an hour after s*x. Also you could have her do this and use the Instead cup (found where you buy tampons and pads) as soon as you finish. It would hold the ejaculate close to the cervix.    Those are the only things I can think of that may help.

    Is it possible to have corrective surgery?  

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