
Help?!?!?!?!? please ppl

by Guest32495  |  earlier

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yesterday i had a big fight w/ my dad. (won't tell u y). Now I want to move out and go to a boarding school like pca(in zoey 101). What do you think i should do??? is boarding skool a good ideal??




  1. this will blow over in a few days, anyway reconcile with your dad because in truth, him and your mom are the only two people that have unconditional love for you and will love you through better or worse.

  2. I think your being a little dramatic here.  And if Paca or Pac or whatever that guy or girls name on Zoey 101 you should'nt have made up characters be your influence.  Just talk to your dad you figure it out but your being dramatic right now.

  3. u need to apologize ur dad and stop living in this imaginary world where u think that tv is real

  4. who's going to pay for it? You? Probably your dad, so it is something you need to talk to him about. Also, boarding schools are not like on tv (Zoey 101). And you can't run away from your problems whenever you have a fight with your dad.  

  5. if you leave, you're on your own. How are you going to pay for boarding school?   Or, are you expecting your father to accept the fact that you hate him and don't want to live with him but you expect him to pay your way?  can't have it both ways little one.

  6. make up with your dad

  7. ROFL. You believe boarding school to be like something you saw on a show? LOL

    First of all, boarding school is expensive - and not just moderately expensive, VERY expensive. Unless you're in a state sponsored boarding school (juvie) you're also not a given to get in - most boarding schools are reasonably exclusive. Also, the sort of rolling campus on university like setup you see on Zoey 101 simply doesn't exist. Boarding schools, as a rule, tend to be schools with cafeterias and uniforms and not a lot of shopping or off campus freedom. The purpose of sending a kid there is that the school parents the kid and it's much like living at home without the freedom.

    Here's the reality, everyone has problems with their parents when they're a teen. As you grow older you'll get some perspective but mainly you just need to suck it up and face reality and move to a more productive place mentally than placing yourself in some sort of imaginary "isn't life much better there" situation. Good luck.

  8. there arnt any boarding schools like PCA.... trust me ive looked

  9. not sure it`s not like it is in the film`s ... Are you sure it must have been a big argument.  

  10. Sure I always wanted to go to boarding school never had the opportunity

  11. No. It's a stupid idea to be honest.

    Running away from your problems won't solve anything (in the long run).  

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