
Help? please!?

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ok im going to florida in feburay what should i bring on the plan so i dont die of bordom im going to bring my ipod and a DVD player i have that will waste some of the time but i cant focus that much on a movie when im in a car or plan please just give me some fun stuff me and my aunt can do when where on the plan (oh by the way my aunt is 15 long story)




  1. Take your algebra, history or English book and do something!

  2. You are easily bored because your mind is empty.

  3. going to florida from where? if it is only a couple of hours, then an ipod, DVD player, and a good book will be fine. use your extra time to "bond" with your aunt. Im sure you can think of a lot of stuff to talk about

  4. Julie I have alot of experence on a plane, bring a book, bring maybe a game devise, if your Kimmi has a laptop ask her to bring that, and yeah.
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