
Help!!!! please!!!!?

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I want a cell phone really really badly.

I am 14 going in my first year of high school! :O

I am on the computer all time and my mom hates it!

i am always on it because i am seeing if my friends can hang but there never on cuz they all have phones! most of them only answer texts! and i cant do that

so i told my mom that i am being left out of social activites because i dont have a phone and i am.

she told me to think of a time i was but i couldnt really think of one, so any other ideas on how to convince my mom to get me a phone? soorry i know its a long explanation!




  1. just ask her and if she says no then well i guess too bad =/

    i just got a cell phone last year i always wanted one before but now that i have one i never use it....

  2. Depending on where you live and how big your school is, try this:  this is your first year of high school and a new situation and a new place.  What would you do if another Columbine situation happened?  How are you going to let your parents know you are ok?  The idea is to use contact with your parents as your reason for needing a cell phone.  Not your friends!

  3. Maybe try a go phone. They are prepaid so your Mom won't be stressing about the bills, and it's AT&T so it's still good service. There are two types of prepaid plans, pay as you go... where you buy cards for airtime and texting, and also pick your plan which is a preset amount of minutes and texting that you get monthly, for this one it had to be direct withdrawl from your checking every month though. In either case, there is no way to go over because you just get shut off after you reach your limit unless you call and add more money. I find that a lot of kids with hesitant parents get these and kinda prove how responsible they can be with a phone... after a while, most parents do agree to a normal plan.

    Good Luck!

  4. Try to reach home late an hour extra every week....your parents automatically give u a new handset.

  5. Well, you could tell your mother you will need it in case of emergencies. I don't know where you live but a lot of high school have situations where they may have to evacuate the school. They may not be able to contact your mom. You will be left to get home on your own. You mom should be able to know where you are and/or have a back up plan for where you need to go until she gets off work or whatever. If you ride a bus, what if the bus breaks down or it is late. I don't know how many times my own children (yes, I am a mom!) where the bus they ride was late and I was concerned for their safety. No one could tell  me where my children where. The school couldn't tell me and the bus company couldn't tell me either. I now have cellphones for both my boys. They are not allowed to leave the house without their phones being in their possession. I would not make your argument a social issue. I would make it a safety & security issue.  
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