
Help please!!?

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why are government officials hiding new energy solutions if they may be better for our earth's environment. Will somebody please like tell them to let us have a choice of what energy solutions we want to use?




  1. Give us some information so we can give an answer to your rather strange question.

    There are no 'new energy solutions' that anyone is 'hiding' that I am familiar with.

    I also can not think of any valid reason why there may be some sort of a 'Cover Up' or conspiracy.

  2. I don't know of any  energy solutions, but if there is, the reason they are hiding it, is because there won't be a profit in it, like they get from the oil business.

  3. There are several new energy solutions and nobody seems to be hiding them or hindering them.

    Solar thermal power plants are being built in Nevada that are much cheaper than plants using photovoltaic cells and they project they'll cost no more per kilowatt/hour than coal-fired plants. (

    Dozens of nuclear power permits are being considered, adopting new techniques since the last US plant came on line a generation ago.

    QSI Quantumsphere has a nano material that makes electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen up to 85% efficient, making it possible you can produce the hydrogen as you drive instead of having to store it in a tank in your car.

    Ethanol from switchgrass (not corn) : "yields from a grass that only needs to be planted once would deliver an average of 13.1 megajoules of energy as ethanol for every megajoule of petroleum consumed" per

    Fusion reactions can be sustained for longer periods, still not enough to be very useful other than for research but eventually that will be a good energy source.

  4. The governments aren't hiding new energy solutions. They may not be promoting them or supporting them sufficiently, but that doesn't mean they are hiding them.

    Developing new sources of energy is an expensive process.  So change takes time. The government doesn't have unlimited resources, so the can't simply decide to shut down all the coal plants (they don't even have that right, since many are privately owned) and build sufficient solar, tidal, or wind plants over night.

  5. Reference please. Oh, let me rephrase that:

    Credible reference please (no conspiracy "theories").



    Of course there will be profit from whatever new source of energy that comes around. The government will find a way.
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