
Help please!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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am almost 18 and my gf is almost 19. We've been going out for almost a year. Whenever she comes over we go hang out in my room downstairs. My gf and I see get so nervous because we see her all the time standing at the top of the stairs. Its like she doesn't trust us at all but we've never done anything wrong. What do I do? Don't you think we are old enough to have a little bit more privacy? When we hang out at her house she always asks me a ton of question what are you going to do did you eat we are both sick of it!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Pay someone to have her put on a hit list.

  2. you're talking about your mother right?? she's just being protective and nosy at the same time, maybe you both have talked less since you started hanging out with your girlfriend that she thinks you are wayyyy too distracted, that's why she's curious. It's natural. You just need to confide in her and tell her the truth, maybe both you and your gf should tell her.

  3. it just means that someone cares abvout you is all

    and no don't put her on a hit list like someone suggested earlier

  4. First, this question is in the wrong section.

    Aside from that, you say "My gf and I see get so nervous because we see her all the time standing at the top of the stairs". This sentence makes no sense. I can only gather that someone is watching you, perhaps a parent. If so, then, my answer is you're 18, you're an adult, and you should get your own place, and live by your rules and consequences. Don't expect your parents (or hers) to be any different. They lived there first.

    When you pay your own rent or mortgage and live in a place other than your parents, you get to do whatever you like.

    Welcome to adulthood.

  5. hang out at her house?......

    hang out at a hotel??....

    tell whoever is standing at the top of stairs to gtfo?

    close ur door and lock it?

  6. Sciences and Mathematics?

    Pssh... Answer mine:;...

  7. I have no idea what you're talking about, but you should gain the trust of whoever you're talking about.

  8. i agree the two of u need more privacy, she is just a bit concerned for ure gf, but a bit over protective if u ask me.

    try to gain her trust, and include her in ure company,

    it may seem tedious at first but it will get better, soon she might give u yall more privacy

  9. You should have privacy. Just be normal and concentrate on your girlfriend.
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