
Help please...quick ten points?

by  |  earlier

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I bought this toy for my cat...its a feather on a string. I ran it along the ground and now that we stopped playing, hes running aat things that aren't even there on the ground. what do i do?




  1. huh? oh i have also a cat, he is like your cat, but i ignore it i think it is normal

  2. let the cat have some fun why do humans alwayz have to interfer with every living thing it will grow out of it as if u never had an imagenery friend?  

  3. he is saying that he wants to play with that toy  

  4. my cat does that too when i play with her with a string she comes back for more maybe they just wants you too play with them again cats love it!

  5. My cat does this every now and then and he's not a kitten anymore. I think it's just dust particles that they are chasing around. It is really nothing to worry about. If you are really worried about it though, you should just stop by an animal clinic and ask them if it is normal. They will not charge you for asking one question. Good luck.

  6. It sounds like your cat is just having a bit of playtime on his own.  They are very intelligent creatures and he is probably doing imaginary play.  I don't think you have anything to worry about but if it becomes obsessive behaviour talk to your vet.  Also, he may be running at light reflections or dust motes that you can't even see.  Good Luck.

  7. he's just having fun !

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