
Help!? please someone! subject:Acting&parents?

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Okay so I'm 11 years old....before yo say ANYTHING, I'm fun and love to laugh BUT I'm serious for any type of career. Okay well I REALLY REALLY want to start acting but I don't know how to tell my mom. I'm scared that she'll say no because I REALLY want this, I want it SO much I'll cry for it. I want to be able to be any character and make the character so real. I love that feeling. Someone please help me with what to say to my mom. Thanks :] SOSOSOSOSOSOSO much

-Eelyese Mateo




  1. I know how you feel! I lam 15 love to dance SO MUCH I would almost cry just thinking about it. Go for acting! Don't give up if it is your dream! If you have that deep desire you can end up being a great actress! You can start out by hinting to your mom (when you are watching a play or a movie or when there is acting involved) how much fun the actors/actresses are having and it looks like a lot of fun. Then one day )when she is in a good mood) tell her that you want to get into acting and tell her how much you would love to start acting! If she says no, don't worry. Be patient with her because she may change her mind later on. I know that throwing tantrums can really make moms angry. Just take it easy at first and then tell her how much you would love to get into acting!

  2. no you have to tell your mom just talk to her calmly and be like i want to do this and things like that you never no she might be okay with it

  3. well don't tell your mom you want to be an actress when you grow up.. find a drama club or a production in your school and then ask if you can try out.... when i was your age i did lots of stage acting and had lots of fun. If you want to do film acting ask your mom if she can contact an agent for you to do some extra work or more good. All kids should have dreams ask your mom if she will help you with yours. She might have interest in helping good luck.

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