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by  |  earlier

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on a scale from 1-10 how do i look?




  1. 8. atleast! what woman doesn't love a man with dark hair and skin? i agree with the folks above me, i'll bet your smile is great. don't worry about your looks!

  2. You're cute =]

    I'll deserve an 8.

    but yeah, I'd love to see you smile.

  3. smile hon.

    always a good thing :)

  4. I agree. You need to smile(: Other than that, you're good looking. Good luck with life!  

  5. You look very handsome. It would be better if you smiled, I think that would brighten up your whole face, but yes, you are extremely good looking. God Bless. Good luck, have fun, and stay beautiful♥

  6. your cute.


    and thiss pic is blurry,so i cant really see you,and you look alittle cross eyed.


  7. youre cute : ) i'll give you a 7

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