
Help please with 9 week old x

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i have a 9 week old baby that will only sleep in the day after a bottle and is not tired after his feed so has a couple of oz to get him to sleep i have tried his dummy and that doesn't work.The health visitor said to put him down hen tired and if he cries pick him up to settle him then back down again and keep doing it till he sleeps to break the habit.I won't be leaving him to cry.I want to break the habit and know it will be stresful the hv said it takes a few days.Has anyone done this is it hard and how long did it take.Just so you know i don't want him to be having to much milk he is 16lbs already (in proportion to his lenghth) but if he has to much he'll get fat (he has 5 6oz bottles plus some to settle him ).Thanks for the help




  1. Do what you can to keep him up little by little during the day. 15 minutes longer here, 15 minutes there. He'll slowly work out his schedule. My son did the same thing. As far as milk I wouldn't worry about him getting fat. It's just baby fat. It fades after the first year. If he is hungry, feed him.

  2. just feed him if he is hungry and try and kep him awake when you can . rome wasnt built in a day , i have a three week old daughter and she is drinking 4 to 5 ounces each time and some time has a little more to settle her at night , but she is contented and sleeps well at night , dont worry about the puppy fat either . he will out grow that . just let your baby lead the way  

  3. Have you tried giving him a little cooled water instead of milk? He might be using the bottle as comfort.

    I don't really like leaving a baby this age to cry, but you may need to as he gets older. I'm surprised the dummy doesn't work if he is using sucking as his comforter. Whats his sleeping like at night?  

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