
Help please with Hellebores?

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I have only been growing hellebores for a year now, and since my hellebores have finished flowering, I have about a huge amount of foliage. Do I have to cut the foliage back? And is there anything specific I should dress them with for a good show next year. They grew to about 3ft high and the same in width this year.




  1. I cut back the foliage when it started dying and looking ugly.  If there is any compost in my compost bin I throw a shovel onto the hellebores and if there isnt I dont bother.  They need very little attention.

  2. It is best to cut back the foliage just as the plant is coming into flower.  If you remove all the leaves at that time the flowers will be beautifully displayed and not hidden.

    If any of you leaves are damaged or have black spots on them now cut them off as soon as you can,  otherwise wait for the flower stems to appear.  

  3. Cut back any dead leaves and those with brown patches. No need to feed they'll be fine without as long as the soil is reasonably fertile.

  4. Hellebores require hardly any attention.  Wait until the leaves start dying off before you cut them back.  Next year you'll find lots of seedlings when you cut the leaves back.  You can leave them alone, move them elsewhere or give them away.

  5. Given what you say about their size this year, it sounds like your hellebores are very happy with their conditions.

    I had hellebores for years in a garden in central Scotland in a sheltered, north-facing bed which was moist and cool most of the time. They did very well there and produced lots of seedlings every year, although they never grew as big as yours have. I never fed or top-dressed them, the only maintenance I carried out was cutting or pulling off withered, darkened leaves every now and then.

    If you feel like hacking back the leaves because their bed is looking overgrown and untidy, I suggest you feel free to do so: they will happily take over the place if permitted.

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