
Help please with art homework?

by  |  earlier

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i need to make lots of little items out of cardbord about things to do with acient greek gods/heros plz help




  1. a vase! x

  2. columns

  3. A miniature bas relief wall carving like these:

    Just trace round a print-out of the main (raised) figures, cut them out and stick them down.  Then paint white.  Once dry cover the whole lot in a grey or purply paint with the consistency of milk - then after a few minutes rub it off carefully, leaving it just in the hard to reach areas.

  4. yes a vase sounds good, which you can engrave with Gods and whatever else, cause i don't no much about Greek Gods.

  5. a trident would be a good one.  Also a shell was a symbol of one of the Gods.

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