
Help please with my 10 yr old ?

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I don't know how to start but recently she has been very moody , argumentative and tearful . She could easily cause an argument with herself in the mirror ! . She also says some very hurtful things ( please don't get me wrong she is such a lovely thoughtful girl ) only to get a reaction from me , I just don't know what to say when she goes on one ? . I know her body is changing and soon she will be coming a young lady but what should i do when she has these mood swings ?




  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of hormones. Please hold on it's going to be a long bumpy road.  

  2. My 12 year old daughter started this at about 11 and my 10 year old daughter just started a few months ago.  I remember being hormonal myself, so I just let the small stuff slide... realizing that they don't even know why they're being the way they are sometimes.  When/if they become disrespectful or disobedient I remind them that their behavior is out of line and tell them that they need to think before they speak.  If they continue and go into tantrum mode or become extremely argumentative, I tell them that I refuse to speak with them if they will not communicate calmly and rationally.  I send them to another room to cool down and tell them to only come out when they are prepared to behave in a respectful manner.  They spent quite a bit of time in their rooms in the beginning, but they're starting to get it now.  The biggest thing that I try to emphasize is to think before you speak or lash out.

  3. Hormones.. welcome to tween hood,  

  4. Oh Dawn....this is just the beginning!   My daughter started the same stuff around 10.....when she was about 15, I threatened to place her in a bubble till she was 21!  haha   It is just her body getting ready to PMS, but nothing has happened yet...just hormones.

  5. sounds like my 12 yr old since she turned 10 so 2 years in the running with a big fat attutide and very argumentative.

  6. I know exactly what you are going through.  My boyfriends daughter is 11, about to be 12, and she's the same way.  She is fine one minute then the next she gets very moody and wants to argue with anyone and everyone.  What we do is let her go to her room by herself for a while with no TV til she figures out who she is upset at and why.  There are times that she can't figure out why she got mad so she just appologizes.  I don't know if this will help but you aren't the only one going through this believe me!!

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