
Help pleaseee...?!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm stuck at home for a few days, can you come up with a few things to do when i'm bored to death (my friends are all out)




  1. When Im bored. I just get my digital camera out, film some random stuff, upload it on my computer and make it into a mini movie on windows movie maker :) I love it. Its so fun jsut speeding up everything. OR You could grab all the dessert stuff in your cupboard and try and make the best Ice-cream sundae ever! lol I've always wanted to try that.

  2. UMMM yahoo :D HAHA umm reading random books you always wanted 2 read but just never actually got around 2 reading them...ummcooking etc lol idk :)

  3. read a book?

  4. Do the next best thing, write one.

  5. play internet games.

    take quizzes on myspace bulletins (lol).

    re-arrange your room.

    if you have a dog, take it for a walk.


    spy on your neighbors.

    watch the food channel and then try and make what they did.

    watch a movie with popcorn, a soda and the lights off like your in the movie theater


  6. Answer questions on Yahoo! Answers :)

  7. Hi there, well here r a few things u can do=

    Listen to music

    Read a good book

    Watch a DVD or movie or (tv)

    U could draw



    i hope ur not bored to death anymore!
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