
Help pleaseeeeee!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have this friend right, who i'll call a

and then there's this other girl who is b

and another girl who's c. ok, so my friend aka A is really nice, but i only have one class with her and i don't get to see her any other times. B is really annoying, like to the point where you're like shut the **** up! seriously, and she HOGS a constantly omg. the whole class i barely get to talk to her because of B. we've tried talking to her, or at least me and C have to B and she doesn't care!! it's unbelievable. C is also my friend and we're both stunned that A allows this for B to completely hog her!! it's like B is insanely obsessed with A. it's crazy! how do i get to talk with A more with this problem?




  1. your friends have funny names..

    answer mine?;...

  2. Wow. I think if you take B and square her, then add or subtract the square root of A squared minus 4 times A times C ... is that right? Man sorry. I've been out of school too long to remember the whole thing.

    Maybe you should just tell A what you just wrote here. You could even show her the post and then say, "so what's up with that?"

  3. why do you want to be nice to everyone, stick to the ones that appreciate friendship and ignore the ones that are not interested in becoming your friend

  4. thats funny how you explained it, but maybe you should try telling A about B, and if you cant get A to be alone with you while you tell her with C, then just call her up or send her a message. I hope that you get B to shut up :] good luck girlyy. im really sorry!

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