
Help please:regardingSAT exam?

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can you tell me should an international student need to write SAT exam for getting admission in a UKuniversity for post graduation.if so can you please tell me in detail about where should we register to write the exam?what all should we study to pass the exam?what is the minimum score?how many times one can appear for the exam?can you tell me everything in detail.




  1. im not sure if you need to take it go to the university website, it should tell you if you need it or not.

    if so go to and everything you need to know is on the website about how to register.

    to study you can buy books that have practice exams and there are practice exams online.

    I believe you can take it three times, then after that they start to average your scores together.

    & i dont know what score youll need, it depends on the school.

    go to and look your school up.

    good luck!

  2. first you have to figure is the test all about the military is it a test put on by them but as much as you dont want to sit and learn a bunch of boring things about the sat at the college you can git your name off the open list for all to see and sign something to protect your privacy but you can belive you have to go to the college if you want and be 100,000 dollars in dept but i will go to the library and git a few fines and if they want they can put a warrant out for my arrest so i can do the publics dirty work without the lack of the proper safety equipt and enforce the law with the nightstick when i have over due materials verses going back on the slow boat back to china or were ever were probably my family members came to git away from religious oppression and you can git your peice of paper if you like to waste another tree if you want but i think i will stay here and continue to see our environments decline cause i went to some colleges in california in areas i thought were going to give me an amazing thing to happen and it was the same ole barren grassland chemical spraying there was trash everywere i went and i still had a problem with athority figures were i went there to so even though i was in the middle of the redwoods there was garbage deep in the forests and on the mountain sides and in the water no wonder why you couldnt drink the water and eat the fish there were garbage cans everywere when there should have been recycle bins in other words i dont know if i want to be in dept or i dont know if i have enough guts to sell everything and move there i guess i would rather stay here and take the abuse from the mow heads i went away cause people wouldnt leave me alone here and when i went there they wouldnt leave me alone there so i guess i would rather stay in i have the same problem when i go to church i dont feel like i fit in in employment they fire me because of discrimanatory practices people bully me and i would rather stay in and not go out much cause its a big ordeal so if you think you will go to escape hope fully you dont git beheaded or hanged you wonder why people like grizzly adams moved to the middle of knowwere all cause they wanted to be left alone either way good luck

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