
Help pls!! I saw a ghost. Do you think they exist? Should I be afraid???

by  |  earlier

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I think I saw a ghost last night. It was so vivid. Check out this incredible article here...

What do you think, should I get scared???




  1. they do exist, you should not be afraid. let me know if i can help.

  2. well, you are asking this as a science and mathematics topic.......

    do not be afraid, it was just probably something you imagined or a relfection, blah blah blah

    There is a lot our mind can do when we are scared, consider that

    do not expect getting yes answers in the "math and science"

  3. nuh uh

  4. well to start ghosts are not evil things they are just spiritas stuck in the human realm. some ghosts are angry butmostare very should only be scared if you feel very cold, and at the same time hear faint whispers and/or see objects moving in the air such as tiny globes of light.

  5. the truth is out there

  6. could be or imagination... BUT

    i like to think when i see that stuff its not. its funner that way. dnt be scared unless it happens again.. if it does and shows up by that same piece of furnuriture just take that item out and burn it.

  7. stop unnecessarily worrying...

  8. Be afraid Be VERY VERY AFRAID! It will come out tonight and drag youout of bed! MWAHAHAHA!

  9. There exist advanced forms of technology that can be made to duplicate (simulate) every aspect of so called ghost activity. Don't worry so much about the ghost. Worry instead about governmental leaders, and those who want to rule the world and everyone in it.  That is to be feared.

  10. sure, anything's possible, most things are likely. . . i'd be afraid . . .but not of ghosts - maybe the politicians, but not ghosts. . .

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