
Help pls.?What should I do to recover the body shape?

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I am 36 and I just gave birth to my fifth child. In the last five years because of the pregnancies I gained a lot of weight. I can barely take care of my kids because I find it hard to move. I`ve seen a doctor and he said it may be an eating disorder. However, I need to lose weight. What should I do to recover the body shape I had at 20?




  1. Five kids?  Make time for yourself and maybe then things will be as you want them.  Take up a diet and try running alongside with your kids.

  2. Hey Hon,

         You need to eat often and eat healthy foods. There are a ton of websites that you can find healthy stuff to eat. If you can afford it, eat yogurt 3 times a day. It doesn't have to be the expensive kind either. Experts say that doing this could help you lose 61% more stomach fat. Its harder for your stomach to digest dairy and therefore it burns more calories in that certain area through digestion of dairy. Have a big healthy breakfast, moderate size lunch, and a small dinner. Make sure to have little healthy snacks in between meals. And don't eat right before bed. All that food will get stored as you sleep.

    Exercising: Just start out with light exercise and the exercises will get easier. You want to vary your exercises though. If you do the same thing over and over, your body will get used to it and the routine won't help at all.

    I hope this helps. Email me if you need more help.

  3. 36 with 5 children?  I hope you have figured out by now that you have enough kids and realize its time to find out how to stop having babies you are unable to care for.  

    Ask yourself why you have gained weight.  Don't blame the pregnancies either.  If you are gonna make babies, you have to be ready to take care of them too.  

    You will never have he body of a 20 year-old until you quit bringing more babies into this world.  Wise up.

  4. Congratulations. Well, if you plan to have another baby soon you should choose a pregnancy diet and take up some special exercises for pregnant women. You must be organized and really wishing for it. Here is the first thing you should do: you need to calculate how many calories you should eat to reach your target weight – the 20 years body shape? I use the calorie calculator from It’s free unlike weight loss tools from other web sites. Oh! On this web site you’ll find a menu planner which will help you with your diet finding and appropriate one for you. Worked great for me! Good luck!

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