
Help plz! How long does it take until I get braces?

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I wanna know how many appts. after my first visit w/ the orthodontists will i get my braces? Im 14 btw if the helps. My teeth are crooked on tthe bottom row so if they'd have to pull a tooth will it make the process longer? I only want bottom braces though becuz my top teeth are straight. My first visit is 2wks from now. Also do they put the spacers on the first day you visit? When you get your tooth pulled will it look messed up until you get your braces on or do they pull out your back teeth to make room? Also does the orthodontists pull the teeth when about to put on the braces that day or do you have to go to your dentists and get them pulled? I really appreciate all those who helped i have waited years to get my smile fixed and went thru times of teasing about it. im so ready 4 my braces!!!!!!!!!1Thnx.




  1.  Hi I'm 12 and I just had a dentist appointment today and they said I need braces so how long will it take for them to get them so I can I them on???? Help plz!!!!

  2.  I have a question 


    I've had spacer on my top for 6th months and my bottom for over two years do you guys think that I'm going to need braces on the top?

  3. i had my first appionment ages ago, like last year. i had to wait for my last baby tooth to fall out before i got the mould. i am having the mould tomorrow and am so scared!!! Thanks to all of your help now i know how long it will take, Thanx! c:

  4. am i the only one wo have been waiting 3 months for braces..i took pics,xrays, and mold, what is public aid, and why do i have to wait on them ?

  5. I just went to the orthodontist for consultation and impressions today (1-24-11) and i go back in a week for the braces. They didnt have to put in any spacers.

  6. well i went to the orthodonist for my second visit december 15. where they took xrays and pictures of my mouth.. they said that they will call mee when public aid connects with them.. its now january 21,2011 its been a month, so when will i get my braces..and my orthodonist said i need four teeth taken out for 16 btw.

  7. well i went to the orthodonist for my second visit december 15. where they took xrays and pictures of my mouth.. they said that they will call mee when public aid connects with them.. its now january 21,2011 its been a month, so when will i get my braces..and my orthodonist said i need four teeth taken out for 16 btw.

  8.  Urrrmmm my brother has braces but, he took about 1 hour to get the braces done and he visited the dentist a he got a message saying he will be getting them next month!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to get braces coz i have been waiting about 2 years! :( But my teeth are getting better. My friend in my class has them to she looks prettier and her teeth are whiter!

  9. jesh i just went to my first appointment on december something i am on my secoud appontment on 1,18,11 but i only have four baby teetth left so is it going to be kick and i have a overbite and i am 11 so please tellme thanks.:) :) :)

  10. It definettly depends on your orthodontist, and if it is busy or not. None of my friends had to get moulds done so they had theirs on pretty quick, and I just had my first appointment the other day and my orthodontist is going to look at my moulds next week to make a dental treatment plan. Then he is going to call us when we are ready then have a second consultation. And hopefully after that I get my braces.

  11. okay my first appointment to the orthodinist they put my spacers in and they said that the braces are put on a week after the spacers and so now i go back in 2 day 2 get the braces im sooo scared because of the pain

  12. Im hopefully getting braces soon. I made my appointment  a week ago and my 1st app. is next week already. So yeah it just depends on the orthodonists you have. I go to the ortho. in St.louis. And i'm gunna ask him if he can put my spacers on the first day i get there, because my teeth arent super bad but i have a tooth growing kinda on the top on my mouth and i dunno if he is gunna pull that out first. Let's just hope not ;) But anyways, if i get my spacers the 1st app. i have then ill proubly get my braces on my 2nd app. (: I'm super excited about getting braces because i absolutly LOVE braces,they are amazing :) So anyways, peaceC:

  13. I've been going to an orthodontist for 5 years now and I'm only just getting my braces on the bottom tomorrow! Talk about a wait...

  14. well i got told i will need braces about auust 2010 and i had to get 2 teeth pulled. but those are out already and they took my xrays and molds at the frirst app. and im getting them on overall it took me about  a months and a hlaf mabey two. but that was my experience you may be different

  15. Okay well... I went for my first appointment on the 10th of August and I had to get four teeth out So I booked them.... I've had all four out now and I'm getting my braces on tomorrow (7th September) so mine didn't take long at all. The orthodontist shouldnt have to chase you up to make an appointment.

    If you want straight teeth GO AND BOOK ANOTHER APPOINTMENT don't wait for them to come to you if you want it done quickly!

  16. i would say by your next appointment you will get braces! oh and you dont need to get top and bottom braces if your top teeth are already straight! also since im getting braces today it only took me 2 appointments, counsiltation and x rays/molds! i hope i helped! ^_^

  17. this biotch guest291 is wrong wrong wrong you do not need both top and bottom braces if one set is straight

  18. I have exactley the same problem as all of you,i went for my first appointmnt which they took my moulds with this horrid purple goey thing i am now waititng for  my second appointment whih my braces will hopefully be fitted but i carnt tell you how long it takes for the othadontist to make them becouse i went for my moulds on the  19th march and its the 5th of april today easter monday and i still havt recieved the letter telling me when my next appointment is for my braces  to be fitted .

  19. I am in the same position as you , i went in october/november time 2009 for a checkup to see if i needed braces and like a consultation where the orthodontic nurse said some random numbers to his assitant, then he said yeah i qualify for braces but i dont need any taken out luckily, my next appointment isnt until may though so how long will it be before they get fitted.. it has taken years i was first reffered to the orthodontist when i was 11 years old, and i am 17 next week... so if you have any idea on what else needs to be done please help my teeth are really lowering my confidence :(

  20. ok so, i need braces too and i got my teeth pulled about...a year or 2 ago and YES it does make the process longer. you have to wait until ur teeth grow back in before they put on the braces but if u get ur wisdom teeth pulled instead of any other tooth then i dont think u have to wait. if you've already gone to the orthodontist then you'll have the spacers put in but if u havent then you'll probably get them in on the 2nd appt. and i dont think ur teeth will look messed up when u get them pulled...idk it depends so ya hope i helped(:

  21. im getting braces iv been waiting 2 months already i havent even had my first oppontment

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