
Help plz hurry! need lots o help! ah!

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okay so my bff's ex broke up with her like two months ago i didnt know but i just fugured out we go to the same middle school we were at orientation when i figured it out! i really like him and i think he might like me idk though! so umm he goes why did sarah (my bff) used to like brendan and i go idk he had cute eyes and he lifts of his bangs and asks if i think he has cute eyes and i go yeah and you have cute hair and a cute nose! so then he goes yah i hated sarah she cheated on me and then i am not friends with sarah no more and so thats what happend!? when he asked if i like his eyes was that a sign he liked me?? oh and also he said i had cute eyes and he kept "accidently" hitting with a ball in gym?? does he like me?? should i go for it?? will my ex bff be mad?? P.s. Sarah =bff so please answe!




  1. The way I look at it, yes. He does like you and if you like him to, go for it! You're friend will be mad...though I don't understand why. They broke up. End of story so it's okay, right?

    But, from your friend's perspective, she won't see it like that and be relatively pissed off and call you a back can guess the rest.

    So...I suppose you'll have to choose.

    Do you want a relationship that probably won't last? Or do you want to stay friend with Sarah?

    It's up to you, sweets.  

  2. stay away from him, it's trouble just waiting to happen

  3. ya'll were both yeah i think he likes u and its obvious u like him back...ur bff with be reaaaaally pissed off at u tho

  4. thats messed up.

  5. if she was a true friend, she probably would understand even though, i would be mad. GOOD LUCK

  6. yeah he does duh you knew the answer idk why you asked this

  7. Yeah i think he does but he could just be getting back at your best friend for cheating on him but just stay a way from him cause your best friend had him first that's still hers till she say y'all can go out (hope that helps that's how me and my friends do it )

  8. Your best friend will most likely be pissed.

    Going after your best friend's ex is being a horrible friend, no matter how much you two flirt! Unless she says she is completely over him, and MEANS it, you shouldn't bother. the way are you 12? No offense but it was hard to even understand the question.

  9. And your 11?

    You could go for it-but your bff will be pissed.

    Anyway,your too young.

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