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Okie i got a bracelet for 200 dollars and its really nice

it is marked "Roman" or at least thats what my bf believes it says

its hard to tell because its shiny and yeah lol little.

But it is gold and it has diamonds on it and he said he paid A LOT of money for it at the mall... is it Roman, was he ripped off or what? He is curious lol italian?

It has a little black bag with the bracelet inside and when you take it out of the box is has a number that says 114

Does that mean anything?




  1. MMM, sounds kind of cool.   Seems like it could be from Italy but who knows, it also sounds like with the packaging that it is and could be very special indeed a numbered item, meaning no more than a certain amount have been made.   the prices is anybodies guess, " that is treasured by one may not be by another, meaning, you can pay a fortune for an item you love and the cost means nothing, and I might think you were taken and feel you were a fool who had just too much money."  That other saying a suckers born every minute.

    But...what seems to me as strange and questionable,  is why are you asking about this.  What difference would it make how much it cost, if this is a present from the heart of your boyfriend.  What is it-- that it only cost $200. dollars and was made maybe with Mexican Gold, or right down the street at the local jewelry store.   There is no price that one can put on a gift from the heart.  Take it and stop asking questions about it.  He didn't feel he got ripped off, he thought he was buying you a unique and treasured gift, that you would love.

      Take it for an appraisal if it means that much to you.  or wear it proudly and be grateful you have someone who cares so much.

  2.   The fact that it is a gift of love out weighs it's monetary value.   Philosophically speaking of course.

  3. jus be happy with wat u have, think of the starving kids in africa, they dont have shiny bracelets

  4. take it to a jewelry store or a jewelry appraiser. honestly you should only buy things from reputable sources.  

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