
Help plz my education mite be ruined!!!!!!!!plz plz plz?

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ok so i got this years math book and like 75% of it i learned last year and ive been going to a private school my whole life... i just entered the 8th grade at the school we use the abeka cirriculum and im taking pre algebra... plz tell me what u learned and plz tell me what im supposed to learn in history science and english plz plz plz im the type of person who HAS to get into a realy really Really good college and i cant ruin my life! also i need your view on the abeka cirriculum?? and what classes in high school will allow me to become whatver i want to be later in life cuz i havent chosen my path yet!how many books should i be reading in literature??? plz i need help and plz dont tell me to see a counselor or anythin like that ill sit here and read for an hour if thats how long the message is but plz help and plz dont be mean bout anythin...and for the record i no how to spell.. plz answer only if ur qualified to!




  1. hey, i just graduated eighth grade. i went to a public school but it is really good and practically private. i would say don't sweat it too much. i don't really know what to help you with but i matured a lot in the last year. i had NO clue what i wanted to do when 8th grade started but then I realized i want to be an actor. i want to do art and that stuff. you really can't rush this stuff babe. just don't worry too much. I'm sorry i cant answer anything but i hope this helps. if you wanna talk, just aim me or email me


    Good luck and have a great year!

  2. talk to your teacher about the coursework for the year

    try to take a broad range of subjects for high school (math, english, french, physics, history...)

  3. I think you just need to calm yourself down. Goodness. I don't even exactly understand what you're asking. You don't need to know what you're going to learn right now. You'll learn what you need to know. You are only in 8th grade. In most school systems, you don't have to choose classes until you are in high school, so don't worry about your classes and what you're going to learn, just get good grades and worry about you classes next year. You'll be fine!  

  4. The Abeka curriculum is not considered to be sufficient preparation for college, and many colleges do not accept high school courses taught from those books.  They often misrepresent history, English, science and math from a fundamentalist Christian 'point of view' that directly contradicts the historical and scientific evidence.  Colleges don't look at your grades before 9th, so by next year get into a public school or a private one that won't compromise your education.

  5. Drugs are bad mkay.

  6. The way you spell, your education is already half-way down the drain.

  7. tell the teachers, or something, D;

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