
Help plz personal issue?

by  |  earlier

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i am not able to pull my forskin back over my p***s as it is too tight and am worried this shall be a prob when i have s*x with my gf. will it? wat can i do to correct it?




  1. hi there.

    i wouldn't recommend circumcision. though if you want, you don't need a full circumcision. i believe that there aresome options that allow you to retain some f******n (partial circ), or dorsal slit. you can always seek a second opinion from another urologist.

    i had the same prob before and this is what i did.

    i put 2 index fingers under my f******n and pulled it apart until it started to hurt but was not painful. hold it there then release it. i kept doing this over and over whenever i could. in the shower, on the toilet, in my room etc. i did this when i was soft, and obviously you also want to make sure you wash your p***s with soap and water everyday. overtime it loosened and i can now pull my f******n back when i'm erect.

    try it out and hopefully it will work for you too.

    GOOD LUCK with it :)

  2. go to the GP, who will probably refer you to a urologist, who will then recommend either circumcision, or some methods to stretch the f******n.

    but you could still have s*x with a condom on, without getting it corrected

  3. you should pull it back everytime you urinate, that way you will keep stretching it, so that eventually it will go back all the way. Try not to use soap it will only irritate it . use warm water until you can fully retract it. it it doesn't retract after a few months. you should see an urologist, that's a p***s doctor.

  4. get circumcised before you are any older

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