
Help plz????????????

by Guest45106  |  earlier

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I heard that a man married with three women and he got babies with all the three, that is he did s*x with all of them. will he get any sexually transmitted disease like AIDS........etc. tell me weather he will get any disease...




  1. No he didn,t get if he use protection for now people do s*x with more then three i think in one week three .every week they change their girlfriends or boy friends.

  2. His immediate problem is not AIDS but the Sheriff.  

  3. He can get the following diseases if any of the partners are infected with these

    HIV and AIDS

    Hepatitis B and C Virus

    Syphilis and Gonorrhea

    Not only he will get infected but later will transmit to all his partners too.

    He will die from hep C infection rather than HIV and AIDS

  4. y r u so bothered about him..r u the man?

  5. Transferable only if someone is already affected else rare chances

  6. you cant get AIDS because of the number of people you have s*x with- you get AIDS from having s*x with just one person who is infected with the disease. so, if he is lucky, and none of the women are infected, then he will be fine. if one of them is infected, he will get sick, and so will everyone he has s*x with after that.

  7. No most probably he wont get any disease...but if he ve had s*x with some other women other than these three n if that women has any of STDs(sexually transmitted disease)then he has possibilities of getting AIDS...but to answer to ur question he wont get any such diseases.....
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