
Help potty training a two year old?

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Ok so people keep asking me if my two year old is potty trained yet, and he isn't so i feel like a bad mum.............. I have tried but he got all upset and didn't want anything to do with it, yes i tried making it fun etc... but he just wants nothing to do with it! Does anyone have some good ideas on how to get a Two year old potty trained?




  1. Ignore them, these people asking you if your son is potty trained. Your son will get there, in his own time. He won't be walking up the aisle in nappies, though it probably feels like it now! Boys often take a lot longer than girls to potty train. He will get it in time! Leave it a few weeks, maybe a month, then try again.

  2. Dont feel bad about it they say that a toddler will go to the bathroom when they are ready. My son is 27 months old and is still not potty trained but the literature and studies show that boys are not becoming potty trained til about 39 months and about 35 or so for girls. So I woudnt sweat it. People are probably giving you flack because they're from an older generation.  

  3. It sounds like you made it fun and interesting for him.  If he wants nothing to do with it, and got frustrated, maybe he is not ready yet.  Some children are ready at two and others are not.  My oldest son was trained at 3 1/2 and my youngest was trained at 2 1/2.  My oldest son just was not ready at 2.  Continuing when a child is not ready can cause him or her to rebel and not go until a later age.  The fact he might not be ready at 2 does not make you a bad mum; he will let you know when he is ready by showing signs.  I am going by personal experience with age differences as well as advice from other mothers when I was going through the potty training process.    

  4. My son is going on 3 and isn't potty trained yet. We have been working on it for about 8 months though, and he is starting to understand it. What I do is take him to go potty right away when he gets up in the morning, and put underwear on him and tell him he's such a big boy for wearing underwear. Then I take him to the bathroom about once every hour and make him try to go. Sometimes he goes, and sometimes he doesn't. But when he does go, he gets a sticker on his potty chart. I make a chart each week with the dates on it, and we have a big book of stickers. So each time he goes pee on the potty, he gets to pick a sticker and put it on the chart. If he goes p**p on the potty, he gets a sticker for the chart and a treat (something like a sucker or a few m&m's). He does have accidents sometimes, but we don't yell, it will just scare him. We just tell him that when he is wearing underwear, he needs to go pee in the potty, because he doesn't want to ruin his cool underwear. We bought him Thomas the Train underwear because that is his favorite show. Good luck, and have lots of patience. Some boys aren't fully potty trained until 4 years old.  

  5. It isn't an age thing it is a being ready for it thing.  Most males aren't ready to pottytrain until they are 3 1;/2 years old that is the average.  When he is ready you will know and he will train fast but until then all you will do is frustrate yourself and him making him not want to do it.  

  6. Wait - time is one of the only things that work. He will let you know when he is ready and if you push it before then it will just take longer. In the meantime have him watch other people go to the bathroom and keep a potty in their for him incase he wants to use it.  

  7. I agree with everyone else, if he isn't ready you are going to be fighting a losing battle. The more you try to force it on him the more likely he is to rebel. We started trying with my older son when he was 18 months, then again at 2, then again at 2 1/2 and finally again right before he turned 3. Suddenly on his 3rd birthday he just decided he was going to be potty trained and we had no problems until after his baby brother was born. Kids tend to regress after the birth of a sibling. Now we are kinda starting all over again. After tons of criticism from my mom (she has only potty trained girls and has no idea how hard a boy can be) and feeling bad about it I finally just decided I'm going to let him go at his own pace, but I'll keep encouraging him.

    There is always no harm in trying, just don't stress if he doesn't get it for another year or so. What is finally working with my son the second time around is a sticker chart. You'd be suprised at just how excited they can get over putting a sticker on a chart. Since it's back to school time I found tons of "Good Job" and "Way to Go" stickers at walmart. My son loves Disney's Cars, so I bought some cars "Good Job" stickers and a big piece of poster board and a pack of glue sticks. I went home, cut the poster board in half and made a total of 4 really fancy looking sticker charts after using the front and back of each half. I printed off Cars clipart and made the chart look really flashy. I also put one of his Cars take and toss cups in the bathroom and stuffed it full of gummie bears. Every time he goes on the potty he puts a sticker on the chart and if he hasn't gone in his pullup then he also gets 3 gummie bears. After he gets 10 stickers on the chart he gets a hotwheel. It goes with the theme and it's something inexpensive that he really looks forward to. I've found that the gummie bears give him the extra insentive not to go in his pullup. It sounds a little overboard on the Cars theme, but I discovered that making it something that he's really into helps quite a bit. We even got Cars pullups and a box of wipes with Cars on it for when he goes p**p. Now everytime he even sees the movie case for Cars it reminds him that he needs or wants to go on the potty. It honestly took less than 24hrs and he was right back on track to being potty trained.

    Good luck! Don't stress too much! I promise, he wont be going off to college in diapers. :0D

  8. first things first dont rush him hes only 2 try takin hes nappie off and keep the potty out if he pees on the floor tell him no but dont shout u will only scare him give him prase and a sweet or somtin he like each time he sits on it i or gos to play with it this way he nos its a good thing i found stickers worked hope this helps

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