
Help potty training my dog?

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I just got a puppy about a month ago. When she goes in the house, i clean it up, and tell her no like 10 times. When she goes outside, i congradulate her. But i don't know where to go after this.




  1. try this it worked for me 1st try to put her in a puppy space u can make this with bout 3or4 of them kiddy doors or plywood would work 2nd move the puppyspace closer to the door u want her to go to

    or u can get some tabasco sauce and mix bout 2or3 table spoonfuls with water in small squirt bottle and spray everything but her puppy pad she wont pee or well u know anywhere but her pad it works but i know it sounds silly huh i look at it this way if u was her would u want to pee on tabasco floors or a clean pee pad u can also ask ur vet or petstore for a bottle of spray that u can spray to make her want to pee and well u know...i think it has Snoopy on the bottle

  2. I am a bit short on time so her ei smy cut and paste answer that has resources for you to help be sucessful... OUTLAST your dog is my biggest tip and check out the book I highlight of my smart puppy..:)

    housebreaking general

    I have a couple of blogs on housebreaking... here are the links... Also try the book MY SMART PUPPY which should be at barnes and noble.

    Training dog to ring a bell books and cleanup aids v

  3. I have a dachshund which are known for being hard to potty train. We have had her since she was 6wks old and she is now 7months old and just really starting to get good at going outside. She's still not perfect though. When I started out I was just like you cleaning up lots of indoor messes and congratulating the occasional outdoor one. Try taking her to the same outdoor "potty" spot each time. Also when she does go outside actually say the word "potty" or "pee" multiple times. Like right as she's squatting say "ohh good girl going POTTY outside" then give her bunches of lovin and a treat when you get in. Eventually you will get to the point where you can just go outside to that spot and say potty and she'll go. It just takes patience...and alot of carpet cleaner of course.

  4. Just keep giving her a treat (this is KEY--give her a treat when she comes back in) and and congratulating her when she potties outside.  When she potties inside, keep telling her no and growl at her.  She will eventually catch on.  It takes a couple months for them to completely catch on but you have to stay consistent. Also, if the puppy is under 3 months old, it isn't smart enough yet to be potty trained.  Oh yeah, keep her in a crate at night and when you're not around.  Most dogs will not potty where they sleep.

    You're doing what you're supposed to do, though!

  5. You are on the right track, but the trick is catching them before there is an incident in house. Every time there is a mess in house you are setting yourself back a little. Be patient and consistant.

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